Congratulations. Your Forms Are Complete.

Now You Can:

1. Schedule and Confirm Your Appointment Date and Time
2. Access Your Appointment
3. Fill Additional Form for Family or Spouse, or:
4. Go Back To Your Profile

Click Below To:


* if you DO NOT have email confirmed appointment date and time you need to click here. After confirmation you receive passcode via private messages and text messages 

Required unless Guaranteed Express Appointment scheduled and confirmed via email. Please check email.

Click Below To:


* If you HAVE email confirmed appointment date and time and corresponding receipt number you can click here. You will need passcode from private messages or text message to access your appointment.

If forms completed within 45 minutes of scheduled please message “EXPRESS CODE” or “CODE CHECK” to 281-972-6391 and it will flag your account for an expedited access code.

Click Below To:


* You add your spouse or up to 3 additional family members to be seen during your paid visit time as long as they are in the same household at the same time of  the appointment.

Click Below To:


* if you have already paid and scheduled your appointment via Guarantee Express, and completed your registration (2 or more hours before your appointment), then head back to your profile where you can access all of this information again closer to your appointment time.